2018 Royal Conservatory Awards

The results are in from the 2018 Royal Conservatory Assessments, and we are so proud to announce that Encore has not just one, but TWO gold medal recipients!!!!

Claire Bauer, voice student of Director, Lisa Ostrow, and Maura Johnston, voice student of Instructor, Becki Waters Abalutzk, have both received the highest marks for their level in the ENTIRE country! Congrats girls, you deserve it!

And the great news just keeps on coming! We are thrilled to additionally announce that the following students have won State Certificates of Excellence with the Royal Conservatory of Music for 2018! Each received the highest score in the STATE on their respective levels of voice: Prem Pendkar, Level 7 voice; Deeya Yadapadithaya, Level 5 voice; Julia Orff, Level 4 voice; Anne Wu, Level 3 voice; and, Mia Quinn, Level 1 voice. Congrats kiddos!

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