New Exciting Class Offerings!

New classes offered THIS TRIMESTER!:

Encore Music Academy and Recording Studios presents a new and exciting class…

Piano Lab!

Learn how to play piano in a group setting! Progress at your own tempo! Our skilled piano lab instructors will help you achieve your piano goals!

Classes will include 3 to 6 students. With the use of headphones in class, along with our piano lab textbook, students will learn and practice with the guidance and individual attention from our piano lab instructors. Students will also participate in group piano pieces as part of a piano lab ensemble within the class setting.

In addition, we are bringing back our amazing Wind Chamber Ensemble, and there are spots available! Wind Chamber Ensemble meets on Monday nights, and is open to all levels of playing.

Welcome Back Encore Family!!

We are so excited to start a new school year with you all. We have an exciting year full of performances, events, and of course lots of music coming up 🙂 Stay tuned, and as always, thank you for your continued support and for being a part of our community.